This course helps you understand the standard and prepare for your Certification Audit.
This 1.5 hour course provides an excellent overview of the ISO 9001:2015 standard. It is prepared by an expert in ISO, Quality Management, and the 9001 standard.
It will help you prepare for certification to ISO 9001:2015.
Intended Audience:
You are a stakeholder in you Quality Management System. This course is intended for:
- Companies that have a current ISO 9001 QMS
- New to ISO 9001: Companies looking into a first time certification for ISO 9001:2015 QMS
- Executive Staff involved in your QMS
- Quality Managers
- Internal Auditors
- QMS Project Manager
This course covers all clauses of the new ISO 9001:2015 standard.
- Overview of the New Standard
- PDCA Cycle
- The Context of the Organization
- Organization Knowledge
- Leadership & Commitment
- Risk & Opportunities (Risk Based Thinking)
- Quality Objectives & Planning
- Monitoring & Measurement
- Operational Planning & Control
- Design & Development
- Non-Conformance
- Internal Audit
- Management Review
- Continual Improvement
- Documented Information